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(1) "telehealth" means the delivery of health care services or consultations using real-time two-way interactive audio and visual communication or accessible telehealth video-based platforms to provide or support health care delivery and facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, and care management of a patient's health care. Telehealth includes: the application of secure video conferencing consisting of a real-time, full-motion synchronized video; store-and-forward technology; and synchronous interactions, between a patient located at an originating site and a health care provider located at a distant site. Telehealth does not include communication between health care providers, or between a health care provider and a patient that consists solely of an audio-only communication, email, or facsimile transmission or as specified by law;
In coordination with the Department of Transportation, the commissioner shall develop and authorize a web-based single administrative structure and assessment tool, which must operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to facilitate the enrollee assessment process for nonemergency medical transportation services. The web-based tool shall facilitate the transportation eligibility determination process initiated by clients and client advocates; shall include an accessible automated intake and assessment process and real-time identification of level of service eligibility; and shall authorize an appropriate and auditable mode of transportation authorization. The tool shall provide a single framework for reconciling trip information with claiming and collecting complaints regarding inappropriate level of need determinations, inappropriate transportation modes utilized, and interference with accessing nonemergency medical transportation. The web-based single administrative structure shall operate on a trial basis for one year from implementation and, if approved by the commissioner, shall be permanent thereafter. 2ff7e9595c