Our C-Aware IDE provides embedded developers with a suite of tools and an intelligent code optimizing Microchip PIC C compiler that frees developers to concentrate on design functionality instead of having to become an MCU architecture expert. C-Aware allows developers to manage every aspect of their embedded software development, from design through device programming and debugging. C-Aware is the ideal environment to develop C program code with integrated built-in functions, performance analyzation and statistics, and debugging compiled code in real-time while running on Microchip PIC devices. What is new in this release:
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Pay once and never worry about it again. Once you buy the compiler you are entitled to lifetime free upgrades. Upgrading the compiler takes only a few minutes and a few clicks. We are constantly adding new features to the compiler, you can keep track of what is happening on the Software Roadmap page.
mikroLab contains everything a developer needs to explore the possibilities of the microcontroller architectures we offer: a development board (with integrated programmer and debugger), the compiler license, an assortment of accessories, and as a bonus, a free license for one of our GUI design tools (either Visual TFT or Visual GLCD). 2ff7e9595c